PREP TIME: 5 mins | COOK TIME: 30mins  TOTAL TIME: Approx. 35 mins
Ingredients : 
  • Chocolate flavour of your choosing, we recommend Salted **240g Caramel (goes nicely with the pretzel topping & cranberry topping)
  • GF pretzels
  • Dried Cranberries
  • Icing Eyes
1. Melt all the chocolate in a pan, slowly to make sure it doesn't burn.
2. Prepare a flat tray, with a lining of baking paper
3. Pour the melted Chocolate onto the tray, covering the base entirely
4. Now is the fun bit! Toppings. We have chosen Christmas themed toppings so it looks like little reindeers on top. Using, pretzels for the antlers, a cranberry for the nose and eyes
5. Leave to cool for 30 minutes, check to see if the chocolate has set and remove from fridge.
6. Finally, break into large pieces to share with your guests this festive season.


Have you made this recipe? Or will you be giving it a go? If you do, we’d love to see how you get on! Please share a photo and tag us

December 13, 2021

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